Studium Integrale /Extracurricular Courses – Desktop View
1. Click on the My Degree Programme application in the application menu on your Home Screen.

2. The application My Degree Programme opens in the view My Degree Programme. Depending on whether you are enrolled in a single subject degree programme or which curriculum you last opened of your multiple subject degree programme, this curriculum will be displayed in a tree structure.

3. If you want to change the displayed curriculum, click on Show My Degree Programmes.

4. In a tabular overview, all parts of your degree programme will be displayed.
- If you are studying one subject, that one subject will be displayed.
- If you are studying more than one subject, you will find your complete degree programme on the first row and in the following rows the different parts of your degree programme.
Please note: If you are studying more than one subject, you will find the Studium Integrale courses in the curriculum of your complete degree programme (see screenshot above).
5. Click on the Curriculum Number in the column Curriculum to open the curriculum of your complete degree programme. You can also click on the complete degree programme in the column Name of Degree Programme.
6. In the curriculum structure that opens, you will find the courses offered within the framework of Studium Integrale. By clicking on the "+/-"-Symbols, you can expand or collapse the curriculum.

7. To apply for a course during the application period, navigate the tree structure until you find the desired course. Click on the green arrow () to the right of the course title. For better planning, the names of the lecturer as well as time and place of the course's first session are displayed in the columns of the tabular view.

8. The view Course Registration - Select Degree Programme and Node of Curriculum Version will appear. In the selection field Degree Programme, you will see your degree programme and below that the part of your curriculum tree where the course you are applying for is offered. Activate the Choice Box for the desired exam node of the chosen course.

Please note: In some cases, multiple exam nodes of the same name may appear in one module. In the example above, this is "Kompetenzen für das Studium" offered by the ProfessionalCenter. This means that within the framework of this module, the chosen course can be taken within the context of two exam nodes. The choice of exam node does not matter. Please make sure, however, that you take only one course for each exam node as the respective credit points are valid only once per exam node.
9. Click on Continue.
10. The view Course Registration - Select Group appears.

11. Activate the check box for the registration and click on the Register Button. Confirm your registration by clicking OK in the two pop ups that follow.
You have successfully completed your registration.
12. Follow the instructions in the chapter “Prioritising Courses” to prioritise your course applications.
Please note: In KLIPS 2.0 all course places are allocated according to a specific ranking procedure to determine the sequence of admissions. For each faculty at least one such procedure is in place. There are two different procedures: the Course Place Request Procedure and the First Come, First Served Procedure. Course applications with a prioritising option may be prioritised according to preference, as long as places for these courses are allocated according to the same ranking procedure. Prioritisation may be done across modules, in some cases also across subjects, however not across faculties.
Within the framework of Studium Integrale or Extracurricular Courses the ranking procedure to determine the sequence of admissions usually complies with that of the faculty offering the course. In addition, there is a separate "Studium Integrale" procedure for courses that are offered exclusively for Studium Integrale or Extracurricular Courses. The ProfessionalCenter, for instance, uses this "Studium Integrale" procedure.
For detailed information about the allocation of places please read the chapters "Allocation of Course Places" and "Allocation Results".