Accepting Study Place
Attention: If you have applied for a course of study that takes part in the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV), you must accept your place on the application portal. You will also find the deadline for accepting your study place there.
1. You will receive information about your admission by email to the address you provided in the online application. The link in the email will take you directly to the detailed view of your application.
Alternatively, log in to KLIPS 2.0 with the user data of your basic account and open the Applications application.

2. You open the overview of your submitted applications. The status of the successful application(s) is: Admission Granted. Open the detailed view of the application for which you would like to accept the study place offer by clicking on the Arrow Button on the right in the list entry.
Attention: Please do not forget to inform us via KLIPS 2.0 within the deadline whether you accept the study place at the University of Cologne. The deadline is displayed below the application status “Admission Granted”. Otherwise, the right to this admission offer expires.

3. To accept the offered study place, click on the Accept Study Place Offer button in the Study Place Offer section of the detailed view of your application.
Please note: At this point you also have the option of rejecting the offer of a study place by clicking on the corresponding buttons or, in the case of courses of study with admission restrictions, deferring it. A deferral can make sense, for example, if you would like to accept the study place offer, but you will only be able to start your studies at a later date due to e.g. military service, voluntary social year, etc.. A deferral is still possible even after accepting the study place offer.

4. You will receive a system notification that the acceptance of your study place offer was successful and the status in the detailed view will be updated.

5. After accepting your study place offer, you can download your admission letter. To do this, click on the Notification button in the Admission section.

6. Once the study place offer is accepted, the Enrolment section of the detailed view is activated. If you would like to continue preparing for your enrolment at this point, follow the instructions under Enrolment and Documents to be Submitted from step 4.