The Allocation of Courses
In the allocation of course places, the University of Cologne differentiates between the Applying for Courses and the Allocation of Courses.
During the Application Phase, you can enter Course Place Requests in KLIPS 2.0 and prioritise your choices, if a ranking procedure is in place.
When the application phase has ended, the Allocation of Places in courses is carried out in KLIPS 2.0. You will be informed of the courses you have received places in before the semester begins.
Please note: The chapters "Allocation of Places" and "Allocation Results" provide further information regarding the allocation of places in KLIPS 2.0.
Applying for and Prioritising Courses
The quickest way to apply for courses in KLIPS 2.0 is by using the My Degree Programme application. It offers you the best overview of courses offered within the framework of your degree programme.
The view My Courses in the Courses application offers an overview of the courses you have applied for. You can also prioritise your choices or de-register from courses by using this application
A detailed instruction on how to do all of this can be found in the following chapters:
Please note: There are some special cases with separate application processes : Preparation Practice Semester (M.Ed), Course Application - Medicine, Module Application BSc Biology (1. bis 4. FS), Open Registration for Short-Term and PhD Students, Studium Integrale / Extracurricular Courses.