Allocation of Course Places
In KLIPS 2.0, course places are allocated according to a specific procedure to determine the sequence of admissions (= ranking procedure or system). For each faculty at least one such procedure is saved in KLIPS 2.0.
Please note:
Subjects, faculties and lecturers are able to manually override a ranking procedure.
The terms “ranking procedure" or “ranking system” (= "Reihungsverfahren", which is used in KLIPS 2.0) and “procedure to determine the sequence of admissions" (= "Vergabeverfahren", which is used at the University of Cologne) have the same meaning and are used synonymously.
Contents of this Chapter
Different Types of Ranking Procedures in KLIPS 2.0
There are two basic procedures to determine the sequence of admissions: the Course Place Request Procedure and the First Come, First Served Procedure.
Course Place Request Procedure (with/without Prioritisation)
The course place request procedure (with/without prioritisation) only allows placing course place requests during the application period. When the application period ends, the allocation of places is carried out in KLIPS 2.0.
Other special characteristics of the course place request procedure are:
- The “ScopeMaximum”, i.e. the maximum number of course places that you are allowed to receive per semester in a specific area of your studies is evaluated.
- Depending on the specifications of the subjects/faculties, your timetable is checked for possible scheduling conflicts.
- There are equivalent courses among the courses offered at the University of Cologne. You can apply for more than one of these courses, but you will only receive a place for one of them. As soon as you are assigned a confirmed place for one of these equivalent courses, your applications for the other courses will be withdrawn.
- If a course offers more than one course group, you may apply for all of them. You will, however, only receive a place in one of the course groups. As soon as you are assigned a confirmed place in one of the course groups, your applications for the other course groups will be withdrawn.
First Come, First Served Procedure
The first come, first served procedure allocates course places according to the sequence of incoming applications for as long as places are available. In most cases, there are enough available places for all interested students. If you apply for a course with a first come, first served procedure during the application period, you are initially always placed on the waiting list (except during the allocation of remaining course places (“Restplatzvergabe”)). When the application period ends, the technical allocation process is carried out in KLIPS 2.0 and the confirmed places are allocated according to the sequence of incoming applications. When all available places have been allocated, all other applications remain on the waiting list.
Other special characteristics of the first come, first served procedure are the following:
- Prioritisation of courses is impossible.
- “ScopeMaxima” and scheduling conflicts are not evaluated.
- If a course offers more than one course group, you can apply for only one course group. Changing course groups is only possible if you withdraw your application for the initial course group.
Specific Ranking Procedures Available in KLIPS 2.0
Course Place Request Procedure with Prioritisation:
- Biology 1
- Biology 2
- Institute of Georgraphy
- Faculty of Human Sciences
- Faculty of Law (Allocation of Seminar Course Places in Area of Specialisation (“Schwerpunktseminarbelegung”))
- Faculty of Medicine (Compulsory Elective Blocks (“Wahlpflichtblöcke”))
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Faculty of Law
- Studium Integrale
- Preparation Practice Semester (M.Ed.)
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
- Centre for Teacher Training ("Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung")
Please note: It is possible to prioritise all courses that use the same ranking procedure among each other, i.e. you can prioritise courses per faculty across subjects and modules.
Course Place Request Procedure without Prioritisation:
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First Come, First Served Procedure:
- Sequence of incoming applications
- General Registration (only Faculty of Medicine and Biology)
- Faculty of Medicine
How to Find Out What Rules Ranking Procedures Are Based On and How Reference Values Determine Allocation
1. Please follow one of the steps below.
Please note: The steps described in the following example refer to the desktop view. They correspond to those for mobile devices. We recommend using landscape view on mobile devices.
- If you have already applied for a course, open the Courses application. In the view My Courses all courses are listed for which you have received confirmed places or for which you have entered course place requests. In order to look up the description of a course's ranking procedure, click on Edit Course Registration.
- If you have not yet applied for the course, please follow the steps 1 to 10 in the chapter “Applying for Courses”.

2. Depending on the status of your application, the page Course Registration – Select Group or Course Registration - Course Groups of Course opens with either the current status of your application (if you have already entered a course place request) or a table with the registration details and the possibility to register if you haven’t done so, yet.
3. Click on the abbreviation for the ranking procedure in the column Ranking System. If necessary, swipe left on your mobile device to see the respective column.

4. The page Description of Ranking Procedure opens. It offers detailed information about the allocation of course places for the selected course, as well as information about the order in which the reference values are applied during the allocation process.

Please note: By hovering the mouse over the individual digits of the reference number (or by tapping lightly on them on mobile devices), you can view additional information for the respective reference values.