Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Students
To whom can I send feedback about KLIPS 2.0?
Do you have suggestions for improvement? Is something not working as you expected? We look forward to hearing any constructive feedback you may have.
For technical problems, use our support form.
How do I log-in to KLIPS 2.0?
The KLIPS 2.0 homepage is:
The log-in page opens. Enter the user name and password of your S-mail account into the log-in window on the right side of the page.Detailed information about your student account can be found on the website of the Regionales Rechenzentrums Köln (RRZK).
Can you use a smart phone or tablet for KLIPS 2.0?
Yes. With the switch to the new student desktop in April 2022, the mobile usability of KLIPS 2.0 was improved. The new mobile design has already been fully implemented in some applications, more applications will follow successively. For applications that have not yet been optimised for mobile use and therefore do not use the new responsive design, we still recommend using desktop computers.
Whom should I contact if I forget my password?
Detailed information about your s-mail account and changing your password can be found on the website of the Regionales Rechenzentrum Köln (RRZK).
Home Screen
What is the personal home screen?
The personal home screen holds all information and applications for your studies. To go to your personal business card, click on your name at the top right of the page.
Which applications does KLIPS 2.0 provide?
KLIPS 2.0 comprises multiple applications, which you can access using the application menu on your personal home screen. To open an application, you simply click on it. An overview of all KLIPS 2.0 applications is available in the chapter "Applications in KLIPS 2.0".
Can I change the appearance of KLIPS 2.0?
You can adapt the appearance of your personal home screen to your needs (sorting applications, setting up favourites). Instructions can be found in the chapter "Home Screen".
Can I change the information in my business card?
By clicking on your name on the top right of the page, you will open a drop down menu with the option to open your business card. Here, choose "Edit" in the "Select" menu on the left of the page. You will be directed to the editing mode of your personal business card, where you can change or edit your information. Please refer to the chapter "Editing Business Card" for more instructions.
I see the wrong degree programme in the "My Degree Programme" app.
It is possible that you have been registered for the wrong degree programme. Please contact the Studierendensekretariat (Student Application and Registration Office) to rectify this.
How do I prioritise courses?
Detailed information about prioritising course places can be found in the chapter "Prioritising Courses".
Where can I see my weekly schedule?
Courses for which you have received a place are automatically updated in your weekly schedule. This can be accessed using the My Calender application. You can also set your calendar to show courses for which you are on the waiting list (this option will also show courses for which you have requested a place).
Why can I see my undergraduate studies in the application "My Degree Programme"?
If you completed your undergraduate studies at the UoC, the information is automatically imported to KLIPS 2.0. This is for informational purposes only.
When are the application periods for KLIPS 2.0?
All dates and deadlines are listed under "News and Dates".
Where can I find the course directory?
KLIPS 2.0 does not provide a regular course directory. There are, however, different ways to find the courses of the University of Cologne. You can look up courses according to an organisation (e.g. faculty, institute, department) in the Courses application or by using the application My Degree Programme to find courses offered specifically for your degree programme. Alternatively, you can use the Search application to look up all courses offered at the university.
Where can I find my module handbook?
All module handbooks of teacher training courses can be found using the ZfL-Navi.
How do I apply for or deregister from courses?
Detailed information about applying for courses can be found in the chapter "Applying for Courses".
Detailed information about deregistering from courses can be found in the chapter "De-Registering for Courses". -
According to which processes are the places in courses allocated?
Places in courses in KLIPS 2.0 are allocated according to a Ranking Procedure.
What do "Place Request Entered" and "Waiting List" in the App "Courses" mean?
The view "My Courses" in the application Courses provides you with an overview of all courses for which you are registered or for which you have a requested a place. The status of registration is shown on the right side of each individual list item:
- Place Request Entered: You have requested a place in a course. If this status remains after the results of the application period have been published, you have not received a place in this course.
- Waiting List: You have applied for a course and are on the waiting list. If this status remains after the results of the application period have been published, you have not received a place in this course.
- Assigned Confirmed Place: You have received a place in this course.
How do I choose elective compulsory modules?
Information about elective compulsory modules can be found in the chapter "Elective Compulsory Modules".
I cannot see all parts of my studies in the "My Degree Programme" app.
It is possible that you have been registered for the wrong degree programme. Please use our support form to send us any queries of this kind. Please include your matriculation number and degree programme in your message.
How do I register for an exam?
To register for an exam, please use the My Degree Programme application, which offers an overview of your degree programme as well as the individual parts of your degree programme. To register, open the curriculum structure by clicking on a part of your studies. Go to the exam in the curriculum and click on the green arrow (
) to the right of the exam title. Registration deadlines depend on the exam dates. Please refer to the chapter "Registering for Exams" for more detailed instructions.
How do I deregister from an exam?
The view "My Exams" in the application Exam Dates offers an overview of the exams for which you are registered. You can also deregister from exams using this application. Please refer to the chapter "De-Registering from Exams" for more detailed instructions.
I cannot register for an exam. What am I doing wrong?
Please check the registration deadline for the exam. Registration deadlines depend on the date of the exam and are decided on and organised by the individual departments, institutes etc.