Preparation Practice Semester (M.Ed.) – Desktop View
Contents of this Chapter
Applying for Places in Preparation Courses/ Withdrawing Applications
1. Click on the application My Degree Programme in the application menu on your personal Home Screen.

2. The My Degree Programme application will open in the view My Degree Programme. Depending on which curriculum you last opened, this subject is displayed in a tree structure.
3. You will find the introductory module "Vorbereitung Praxissemester (Preparation Practice Semester)" in the curriculum of your complete degree programme. Click on Show My Degree Programmes to open your complete degree programme.

4. In a tabular view all parts of your degree programme are displayed.

Please note: If you completed your undergraduate studies at the University of Cologne, your bachelor programme will also be shown in this view. Use the columns Name of Degree Programme, Status (“registered” or “closed”) and Subject-Specific Semester as guides.
5. In the column Curriculum, click on the Curriculum Number of your complete degree programme to open its curriculum. You may also click on the Subject in the column Name of Degree Programme.

6. The curriculum will then open in the view My Degree Programme. Go to the introductory module "BM Vorbereitung Praxissemester (Preparation Practice Semester)" in the curriculum. To apply for a place in a preparation course in your subject during the application period, click on the green arrow () to the right of the title of the respective course. For more convenient planning, the tabular view for the course shows the lecturer as well as the time and place of the first session of the course.

Please note: Currently, all subjects and subject areas that are offered in the Master of Education degree programme are displayed in the preparation module. Only apply for courses of your degree programme.
7. The view Course Registration - Select Degree Programme and Node of Curriculum Version will open. In the selection field Degree Programme, you will see your degree programme and below that the parts of your curriculum tree where the preparation semester is offered.
8. Activate the Selection Field of the exam node where the preparation semester is offered.

9. Click on Continue.
10. The view Course Registration - Select Group will open.
11. Activate the checkbox Anmelden ("Register") next to the standard group (“Standardgruppe”) and then click on the Register Button.

12. To confirm your registration, click OK in the pop up that appears.

13. In another pop up, a summary of your application details is shown. Click OK to close it.

14. The page updates. You will see your application under Current Status. By clicking on Deregister, you can withdraw your application.

15. Close the page Course Registration - Select Group by clicking Cancel/Close. You will be redirected to the view My Degree Programme.
Please note: If multiple courses are offered for a subject/subject area, you should apply for as many as possible to increase your chances of getting a place in a course in the respective subject/subject area. Repeat steps 4 to 13 to apply for more courses.

Prioritising Applications for Preparation Courses
After you have applied for courses, you can prioritise the applications. To do this, you use the Courses application. The higher your prioritisation, the more likely it is that you will receive a profile group place in the respective course.
1. You are on your personal Home Screen.
2. In the application menu, click on the Courses application.

3. The Courses application opens. In the view My Courses all of the courses for which you are registered or have applied are displayed. The status of a course application is shown on the right hand side of each list item:
- Place Request Entered: You have applied for a course / a preparation course in the introductory module "Preparation Practice Semester". If this status remains following the publication of the results of the application period, you have not received a place in this course. Your application will be considered again in the next application period, if another should take place.
- Assigned Confirmed Place: You have received a place in this course / preparation course.
4. In order to prioritise your course place requests, click on the List Button to the left of the search bar and calendar button.

5. The view Prioritise Course Place Requests appears. Here you can prioritise your applications by using either the Choice Boxes option in the left margin or the Drag & Drop option. Your applications for the preparation courses are grouped in the section “Vorbereitungsmodul Praxissemester (M.Ed.)” (“Introductory Module Practice Semester”).

6. As soon as you alter the original sequence, the status shown by the colour of the circle to the left of the title will change (from green to orange).

7. Click on Save (or Save All if you have changed your prioritisation in other sections as well). In the upper area of the page, a notification confirming the prioritisation of the courses will appear and the circle indicating the status will change its colour back from orange to green.
8. Click on Cancel/Close to close the page Prioritise Course Place Requests.

9. You will return to the My Courses view.