Course Application Medicine – Mobile Devices
Types of Registration
General Registration
Prerequisite: Medical Preliminary Examination (“Physikum”)
1. Go to your personal Home Screen. In the application, menu, tap on the Course Planning – Registration application.

2. The application Course Planning – Registration will open. Three choice boxes will appear in the section Registration Details toward the bottom of the page. Choose:
- "Medical Studies – State Examination" in the choice box Curriculum,
- the semester, i.e. winter or summer, in the choice box Semester of Academic Year,
- for the first clinical semester "5th Semester" (or correspondingly for the following semesters) in the choice box Recommended Semester According to Curriculum.
3. Tap on Continue.

4. On the page that opens, you will initially only see the total number of available places in addition to the registration and deregistration dates.
Tap on the Expand All button to display the list of available semester/course bundles and the places available for each.
If you want, you can select the Activate automatic refresh every 15 seconds feature by ticking the box. The number of places available in the semester/course bundles is then updated at intervals.

5. After you have activated the display of the list of semester/course bundles, select the semester/course bundle that you want to register for. To do this, tap on the Radio Button on the far left of the respective list entry. By tapping on the Calendar Icon, you can call up the dates in your semester/course bundle sorted by calendar week.
6. Tap on Register.

7. The system now carries out the registration for all course groups belonging to your semester/course bundle. A message confirming your registration appears below the progress bar at the top of the page.
The page now only shows the semester/course bundle for which you have registered as well as the list of the course groups linked to that semester/course bundle. Here, too, you will find the note (highlighted in green) that you have already successfully registered for the corresponding semester/course bundle. On the left, the list of courses shows the status Confirmed Place for all entries (also in green).
8. The My Courses button takes you to the view of the same name in the Courses application.
9. If you want to deregister from the semester/course bundle for which you are registered, tap the Edit button.
Please note: If you do not deregister from your semester/course bundle right away, repeat the steps 1-7 until you return to the semester/course bundle registration page. Now, you can deregister from your semester/course bundle.

10. The list of available semester/course bundles is displayed again. The semester/course bundle you are registered for is preselected so that you cannot select any other groups. To deregister, tap the Deregister button at the bottom of the page.

11. A message that the deregistration was successful appears at the top below the progress bar. All available semester/course bundles are now activated again for selection and you can, if you wish, reregister directly.
Viewing Course Dates in Your Calendar
After completing your course registration in the application Course Planning – Registration you will find all your courses in your personal calendar.
1. Tap on the Home Button in the top left corner of the page to return to your personal Home Screen.

2. In the application menu, tap on the My Calendar application.
Your calendar opens. For a better view, we recommend switching to landscape mode on your mobile device.

Please note: Exam dates (marked in red) only become visible after the application period is over. Further information about the My Calendar application can be found in the chapter "Calendar".

Individual Registration
Please note: For the first clinical semester, there are 5 cases where an Individual Registration is required in addition to the General Registration.
1. Querschnittsblock QB 2 "Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin (History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine)" (Internship)
Please note: Please ensure that the date of the internship does not overlap with another rotation internship of your group. The rotation plans can be found here:
2. OSCE-1-Exam (For queries, send an e-mail to:
3. Progress Test
4. Wahlpflichtblock (Compulsory Elective Block)
5. Other faculty courses, e.g. entrance to clinical part of studies (White Coat Ceremony)
Procedure using the example of "History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine" (Internship):
1. Tap on the application My Degree Programme in the application menu on your personal Home Screen.

2. The application My Degree Programme opens in the view My Degree Programme and the curriculum of the degree programme “Medical Studies” (“Humanmedizin”) is displayed in a tree structure. Depending on your mobile device, we recommend switching to landscape mode.
Please note: If you are enrolled in additional degree programmes, this view will show the curriculum of the last opened part of your degree programme. If you need to switch to the Medical Studies curriculum, tap on the Bar Menu in the top left corner of the page next to the KLIPs 2.0 logo and select Show My Degree Programmes in the menu that opens. In a pop up, all your degree programmes are listed. Select “Medical Studies” (“Humanmedizin”) by tapping on the Name of the Degree Programme or the Curriculum Number.
3. Tap on the Bar Menu in the top left corner next to the KLIPS 2.0 logo.

4. The operations menu of My Degree Programme opens. If necessary, swipe up and tap on Semester Plan.

5. The semester plan view now shows a list of the individual semesters. Click on 5th semester in the column Node Filter – Name (students who are in later semesters choose the corresponding later semester, i.e. 6th to 10th semester).

6. Open „History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine“ ("Querschnittsblock Geschichte, Theorie, Ethik der Medizin") and then „History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine – Seminar“ ("Geschichte, Theorie, Ethik der Medizin - Kleingruppenunterricht") by tapping on the "+"-Symbols.
7. To register for the internship, tap on the green arrow () to the right of the title "Querschnittsblock Geschichte und Ethik Praktikum".

8. The page Course Registration - Select Degree Programme and Node of Curriculum Version will appear. In the choice box Degree Programme you will see your degree programme and below that the part of the curriculum tree where the internship is offered. Activate the Choice Box of the exam node „History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine – Seminar“ ("Geschichte, Theorie, Ethik der Medizin - Kleingruppenunterricht"). Tap on Continue.

9. The page Course Registration - Select Group will appear. You will then be provided with an overview of multiple offered internships.

Please note: On the very right in the column Time/Place (1st Date), you can see the first date of the internship. Tap lightly on the clock symbol and a tool tip will also show you where the internship is taking place. A firmer tap will open a new tab showing all dates of the internship.

10. Tap on the Register Button next to the title of the internship for which you would like to apply.
11. Confirm your registration by tapping OK in the pop up that appears.

12. A summary of your registration details appears in another pop up. Tap OK to close it.

13. The page will be updated. Under Current Status at the top of the page, you will see the internship for which you are registered. You may also Deregister or Re-Register for a different internship here.