Transferring Credits
Students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and students of the Faculty of Human Sciences are able to change the Module Context of a completed course. The prerequisite is that the course is allocated to different modules. As soon as a course has been marked as Successfully Completed ("Erfolgreiche Teilnahme"), you can change the module context.
You can transfer "successfully completed" credits to different modules by using the My Degree Programme application an your Home Screen.
Please note: The instructions below are for the desktop view and correspond largely to the procedure on mobile devices. You can find a more detailed explanation of the mobile view of My Degree Programme in the chapter "My Degree Programme - Mobile Devices".
1. Click on the Registration Status application in the Application Menu.

2. The application My Degree Programme opens and displays the study structure of the part of your degree programme that you last opened. If you would like to change to a different part of your degree programme, click on the Show My Degree Programmes button to display your entire degree programme.

3. In a tabular view you can see your degree programme and the individual parts of your degree programme.
In order to see the study structure of the desired part of your degree programme, click on the Curriculum Number in the column Curriculum. You can also click on the respective Name of Degree Programme.

4. The curriculum will then be opened in the form of a tree structure in the view My Degree Programme. You can expand or collapse the curriculum structure by clicking on the "+/-"-Symbols.

5. To assign a course to a different module, go to the target module (circle symbol) in the curriculum and click on the grey "L" symbol in the "Results" column.

6. In a dialogue window, all courses that are assigned to this module and that have been marked as successfully completed will be shown. If a course is assigned to another part of the curriculum, this will also be shown.
To assign a course to a new module, click on the Pencil Icon.

7. All possible module contexts for this course will be shown.
Please choose the preferred module and confirm your choice by clicking on Save and Close.

8. Click the Rebook Result button in the window that opens to confirm the transfer of your credits.

9. You will receive a status message about the change. In a dialogue window, the new module of the course will be shown.

10. Please close the window. The study tree in the My Degree Programme view is updated automatically. If this is not the case, click on the Display button above the study tree and then on Refresh in the drop down menu that opens.

11. In the column "Results", the grey "L" symbol will now be highlighted in blue.

Please note: If your degree programme awards credits for successfully completing a course, these credit points will not be immediately changed in the My Degree Programme application - it may take up to 24 hours.